Palm Olympia, a groundbreaking project in Greater Noida (West), owes its innovative architecture to the vision of Vishal Sharma, founder of Confluence Consultancy Services. Celebrated for their commitment to blending sustainability and aesthetics, Confluence Consultancy Services has infused this philosophy into Palm Olympia. The design showcases a beautiful harmony with nature, reflecting an exquisite balance that celebrates both the environment and the art of living.
Designed by BM&A, led by the renowned Bobby Mukherjee, the only Indian firm associated with eminent hospitality brands such as The Starwood Hotels & Resorts, The Hyatt Hotels, The Taj Palaces & Resorts, and The Lalit Group of Hotels, Club Meridian is an exclusive amenity for The Palm Olympia residents. This clubhouse is a sublime blend of aesthetics, innovation, and practicality, featuring a multipurpose room, indoor badminton court, and a mini theatre, making it one of the star attractions of the development.